Sunday, November 9, 2008

Donnie turns 60!!!!

Jill had a surprise 60th birthday party for Donnie tonight. It was actually two surprise parties in one. A neighbor of Jill and Donnies named Tammy was turning 50 this week so her family was their as well. Donnie was told that the birthday party was for Tammy, and Tammy was told it was for Donnie. After Donnie found out we were their for him, it was hush hush for the next hour until Tammy's family arrived. Tammy's family was standing outside the big shed door at 5pm. When the door opened, Tammy was blown away to find out that the party was for her as well. It was a great time with lots of family and friends (about 90) for both Donnie and Tammy.

Happy 60th Birthday Donnie.......

were to cool

oops, I forgot to take my clothes off