So me and the guys traveled to Waterloo for the State of Iowa Dart Tournament last weekend. It was another exciting time but the trip overall was a letdown because of the way we threw. This year we had high hopes and expectations for ourselves to throw well and maybe even bring home a state title. Alas, it was not meant to be.
In singles competition on Thursday, I won my first match but did have to come from behind to do it. It was a great feeling to win and know I wasn't going to be out in 2 matches. The next match, I ran into a brick wall. The guy threw lights out against me and sent me packing in 2 games. I took my last match to 3 games and lost on bullseye's. My singles competition was now over.
On Friday night, Marco and I were pumped to play our doubles match. Once again, we killed ourselves by throwing poorly. It was another short night for us. After all of us were eliminated, we went to the casino for seafood buffet. While there, we watched a man hit a $40,000 jackpot on a slot machine. This by far was the highlight of the night.
Our Saturday team started out much better. We won our first match (be it was from a 1st round bye) . But at least we were farther along on the winner's bracket. The first match played, we lost in 3 games. We didn't throw too terribly, but they were on fire. The 3rd game, Bob and I threw a 2.3 mpr. That's great considering we throw a 1.8/1.9 respectively. The other team threw a 4.17. There wasn't much we could do when someone throws that good.
So another year of state darts is over. Next year it is supposed to be right here in Cedar Rapids. Maybe throwing here will help us out. Maybe we just need to let go and not put so much pressure on ourselves to win it all. Oh well. On to next year.
were to cool
oops, I forgot to take my clothes off