I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. I'm sure the weather was nicer than it was in the Midwest. It was almost the coldest 4th on record. The record low temp was 65 but we got close at 68 degrees. It didn't stop us from having fun. We went to Jaime's relative house where we were forced to stay inside the shed due to the weather. The food however was plentiful. Steak, salads, potatoes, pork & beans, plus dessert and much, much more. No one went away hungry.
After a few hours of being pent up together inside, a few brave soles decided to take the plunge in the pond. Kailey and I quickly joined them. The water was cool, not cold but it was much warmer in the water than out of it. Swimming went on for an hour or two before we all dried off and spent some time by the bonfire. Yep that's right. A bonfire. It was so cold out that we had a nice bonfire going to stay warm yet us loonies were still out swimming. What's a 4th without swimming? I don't even think snow and ice could have kept us away from the water.
We got the kids home around 8pm. Jaime gave them a bath as Cohen had 2 pounds of sand in his shorts from the sand box. Kailey had that good ole lake smell on her. By about 915pm, both kids were in bed and there was no way I was waking them to take them into CR to watch fireworks.
were to cool
oops, I forgot to take my clothes off