So we moved in last Friday July 17th. The day didn't start off so hot though for us. At closing, the bank tried to charge us an extra $4,000 at closing because the dam assistant forgot to put down that we payed $5,000 up front to the builder. Good catch on my part. Jaime made them redo the closing costs and sure enough, it lowered our closing costs by 4 grand...Dam banks trying to rip us off.
Saturday was a great day to move with temps in the high 60's. Dad and my brother-in-law Ed drove in from Chicago to help us move. We were also assisted by Jaime's Dad, brother and sister-in-law. Jaime's mom was put in charge of watching the kids while we moved stuff. We give a big thanks to everyone for the help as we couldn't have done it without you.
We once again had a rocky start when midway into the storage garage, we came across the dreaded MOLD. It was every where. Couches, dressers, baby stuff and lots lots more. Everything was put into the garage and I later bought a mold cleaner from Lowe's which works wonders. We were able to salvage some items, however Kailey's bedroom set had to be burned.
Either way, were in and the garage is clean enough to get a car in it. Hopefully well have a garage sale soon and get rid of a few more items.
Were so excited to be in the new house. The kids love it and have settled in well. Rebel is adjusting to the new place as well. It will be easier on her once the fence gets installed in a few weeks.
Take a look at the pics below. Feel free to stop over anytime and visit.
were to cool
oops, I forgot to take my clothes off