Its now officially Christmas as I sit here typing at 12:03am. We just got back from Jaime's parents house where we had dinner and exchanged gifts. The kids are tucked away in bed as they know Santa only comes when they are asleep. I actually told them in the car tonight "that I heard of some kids who didnt get any presents last year because they tried staying up all night to see Santa and he skipped over their house". Kailey said that she was going to go to bed right away so she got presents. I love it.....I'll have to use that same story next year. One day I'll get a kick out of telling her the truth.
Jaime and I have 1 last gift to wrap and then its off to bed. The gifts are under the tree and we await the morning. Here are a few pictures of Xmas eve at the Atwater House.
Good night to all.