Jaime and I went to her work Xmas party on Saturday night. It was held at the Collins Plaza Hotel. It was a very pleasant evening. Dinner was a buffet style with different stations of food set up throughout the room. Their was a soup station with brocoli cheese soup, chili and minestrone. They also had a pizza and dessert station. The big hit was the "Make your own Burrito" station. A couple chefs were cooking up chicken and steak slices for the meat. You could add your own toppings (lettuce, salsa, etc.) It was very tasty. Overall the whole thing was an interesting set up.
Entertainment was a dj and they also had their own version of "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" tv show. They called up 3 employees who answered questions from the following 3 categories: History, Pop Culture and GE. The 5th graders consisted of a few employees (one being Jaime) who could be called upone to help the contestants. I'll be honest that in this game, even the 5th graders couldnt answer most of the questions. Soome were very hard. As employees went higher up the educational ladder, the more money they could win. It was done very well and I believed everyone enjoyed it.
The hightlight of the whole event was being able to sleep in on Sunday morning without kids. Thanks to Grandpa & Grandma Atwater for watching them. It was a very nice night out with good food, a few drinks (well maybe more than a few) and good company. Till next years party.
were to cool
oops, I forgot to take my clothes off