Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hunting...Day 3 and Day 4...

Monday morning started the same way that Sunday ended (really cold and without seeing any deer). We hunted in the morning and then went back out from 1030am to 1pm. I didn't see any deer at all. With the impending winter storm moving into the area, we decided not to hunt Monday afternoon. AJ's parents house is on a gravel road with some steep ditches on either side and when that road gets icy, it can be a real safety hazzard to drive on.

I woke up Tuesday morning to ice covered roads. Many schools were closed and some businesses were on 2 hours delayed openings. With the roads still a saftey concern, we decided not to hunt today. We'll see how things look on Wednesday as its the last day of hunting for season 1. We still have 1 more BUCK tag left to fill and we know their are some nice big males in the area. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and give us 1 more shot at a big buck (no pun intended).

were to cool

oops, I forgot to take my clothes off