Holy cow...I cant believe it....The closing took place yesterday at 1130am. However, it almost got pushed out again due to the buyer's stupid realtor. This realtor submitted the higher original sale price instead of the new negotiated lower price to the banks for the closing. So the documents were all wrong which threatened to push the date out again till the banks got them corrected. Instead, we left the documents as they were and then wrote a check to the buyers to cover the difference. This was fine for us except, I had to take my lunch at 1030am, run to the house to get the check book and then drive to Marion to deliver the check to my realtor (who was meeting the buyer's realtor). When I walked in, I had a pissy look on my face and never looked the buyer's realtor in the eye. This jackass shouldn't be a realtor. He screwed up so many details in this process (his name is Brad Fisher).
Overall, cutting a check to the buyer's was an easy solution other than pushing out the close date, except for 1 minor detail. With the sale price being higher, the commision for the realtors was 420.00 higher. So I mentioned it to my realtor and he agreed, and said he would do whatever was needed to get me our money back (yesterday I received a check from each realtor for 210.00 to cover our difference).
Were just so glad this is over and can look forward to moving on.
were to cool
oops, I forgot to take my clothes off