We just got word today that an appraisal will not be required on our house. Not that we were worried but it was one more thing that wasn't done yet and we are supposed to close on January 23rd. Jaime and I were a little worried because we have packed up a lot of the house, a lot of which is already in the storage garage and if something had gone wrong with the appraisal, the house would have looked funny going back on the market with a half lived in look.
So our for sure moving date will be January 17th. Should only take a few hours as we plan to move some more stuff on our own when we have a chance. Grandma & Grandpa Atwater will get to live with us for a whole week before they leave for their Hawaii getaway. Maybe they should have rescheduled for sometime in April after we've lived with them for a couple months. They may need the break, so they don't have a breakdown.
were to cool
oops, I forgot to take my clothes off