So Jaime noticed on Thursday night that when Rebel went potty, she had blood in her urine. We got her into the vet Friday morning to be evaluated. I dropped her off and went to work. About 9am, I got a call from the vet asking me if I can come in for a consultation. Man, that scared the crap out of me. I assumed the worse. Luckily it appears that she has a simple bladder infection. I think the move to Jill & Donnies has thrown her off. She no longer has a fenced in yard to roam in. Because we live in the country now, she has had to learn to go potty on a chain. The first 3 days we were here, she barely pee'd and I think that the holding it in has caused her this issue. She's on pills now for the next 2 weeks. If she truly has just a bladder infection (instead of gall/kidney stones) it should clear up nicely. For now we have to keep her kenneled up as she cant control her bladder and has been pottying in the house.
Lets all hope its just a simple bladder infection. I still miss Cyrus (its been 2 years) and I cant fathom losing my girl.
were to cool
oops, I forgot to take my clothes off